20 cards

Name Faction Cost Type STR Traits Set
艾德·史塔克 House Stark 7 Character 6 贵族. 御前议会. Lord. Small Council. 毒蛇之穴 41
梅利恩的巨著 House Stark 2 Attachment 学城. 物品. Citadel. Item. 毒蛇之穴 42
葛曼学士 House Tyrell 4 Character 2 学士. Maester. 毒蛇之穴 43
出人意料的诡计 House Tyrell 2 Attachment 技能. Skill. 毒蛇之穴 44
穆林学士 The Night's Watch 2 Character 1 学士. Maester. 毒蛇之穴 45
守护之责 The Night's Watch 1 Attachment 状态. Condition. 毒蛇之穴 46
埃尔顿·伊斯蒙爵士 House Baratheon 5 Character 4 骑士. 贵族. Knight. Lord. 毒蛇之穴 47
王座之影 House Baratheon - Event 毒蛇之穴 48
奇斯威克 House Lannister 3 Character 2 盟友. Ally. 毒蛇之穴 49
“黄金之手” House Lannister 2 Event 歌谣. Song. 毒蛇之穴 50
君临皈依者 House Greyjoy 4 Character 4 盟友. 淹神. Ally. Drowned God. 毒蛇之穴 51
战争配备 House Greyjoy 0 Attachment 武器. Weapon. 毒蛇之穴 52
琼恩·克林顿 House Targaryen 6 Character 5 克林顿家族. 贵族. House Connington. Lord. 毒蛇之穴 53
龙穴 House Targaryen 3 Location 君临. King's Landing. 毒蛇之穴 54
亚莲恩·马泰尔 House Martell 6 Character 5 贵妇. Lady. 毒蛇之穴 55
毒蛇之穴 House Martell 2 Event 毒蛇之穴 56
主教团 Neutral 6 Character 5 七神. The Seven. 毒蛇之穴 57
贝勒的雕像 Neutral 2 Location 君临. 七神. King's Landing. The Seven. 毒蛇之穴 58
教会的法令 Neutral 0 Event 七神. The Seven. 毒蛇之穴 59
增援城防 Neutral Plot 城市. 战争. City. War. 毒蛇之穴 60

20 cards