Name | Faction | Cost | Type | STR | Traits | Set |
艾莉亚·史塔克 | House Stark | 5 | Character | 3 | 贵妇. Lady. | 吾王永治 101 |
先民之血 | House Stark | 1 | Attachment | 传承. 旧神. Legacy. Old Gods. | 吾王永治 102 | |
女王的随从 | House Tyrell | 4 | Character | 4 | 盟友. 同伴. Ally. Companion. | 吾王永治 103 |
女猎人号 | House Tyrell | 3 | Location | 战舰. Warship. | 吾王永治 104 | |
来自地牢的新兵 | The Night's Watch | 3 | Character | 2 | 盟友. 新兵. Ally. Recruit. | 吾王永治 105 |
冰晶门 | The Night's Watch | 2 | Location | 北境. The North. | 吾王永治 106 | |
劳勃·拜拉席恩 | House Baratheon | 6 | Character | 5 | 贵族. 国王. Lord. King. | 吾王永治 107 |
吾王永治 | House Baratheon | 0 | Attachment | 传承. Legacy. | 吾王永治 108 | |
潮头岛的私生子 | House Lannister | 4 | Character | 3 | 私生子. 御前议会. Bastard. Small Council. | 吾王永治 109 |
炼金术师会馆 | House Lannister | 2 | Location | 君临. King's Landing. | 吾王永治 110 | |
黑水河掠夺者 | House Greyjoy | 3 | Character | 2 | 佣兵. 掠夺者. Mercenary. Raider. | 吾王永治 111 |
渔民广场 | House Greyjoy | 2 | Location | 君临. King's Landing. | 吾王永治 112 | |
乔拉·莫尔蒙爵士 | House Targaryen | 5 | Character | 4 | 同伴. 骑士. Companion. Knight. | 吾王永治 113 |
佣兵契约 | House Targaryen | 1 | Attachment | 物品. Item. | 吾王永治 114 | |
朝中盟友 | House Martell | 3 | Character | 3 | 密探. Spy. | 吾王永治 115 |
涂毒匕首 | House Martell | 2 | Attachment | 武器. Weapon. | 吾王永治 116 | |
铁王座 | Neutral | 2 | Location | 冲突. 君临. Contested. King's Landing. | 吾王永治 117 | |
瓦雷利亚之钢 | Neutral | Agenda | 吾王永治 118 | |||
财富之城 | Neutral | Plot | 城市. 王国. City. Kingdom. | 吾王永治 119 | ||
尔虞我诈 | Neutral | Plot | 诡计. Scheme. Scheme. | 吾王永治 120 |