20 cards

Name Faction Cost Type STR Traits Set
亚莉珊·莫尔蒙 House Stark 3 Character 2 莫尔蒙家族. 贵妇. House Mormont. Lady. 城门之约 1
旧城门 House Stark 1 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 2
百花骑士 House Tyrell 6 Character 5 御林铁卫. 骑士. Kingsguard. Knight. 城门之约 3
诸神门 House Tyrell 1 Location 君临. 七神. King's Landing. The Seven. 城门之约 4
年迈的匠人 The Night's Watch 3 Character 1 工匠. Builder. 城门之约 5
跳蚤窝小巷 The Night's Watch 1 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 6
拉赫洛潜入者 House Baratheon 2 Character 1 拉赫洛. 密探. R'hllor. Spy. 城门之约 7
国王门 House Baratheon 1 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 8
曼登·穆尔爵士 House Lannister 4 Character 4 御林铁卫. 骑士. Kingsguard. Knight. 城门之约 9
雄狮门 House Lannister 1 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 10
贝勒·布莱克泰斯 House Greyjoy 4 Character 4 长官. 七神. Captain. The Seven. 城门之约 11
钢铁门 House Greyjoy 1 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 12
韦赛利昂 House Targaryen 5 Character 4 真龙. Dragon. 城门之约 13
巨龙门 House Targaryen 1 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 14
南境护卫队 House Martell 4 Character 4 盟友. 侍卫. Ally. Guard. 城门之约 15
临河门 House Martell 1 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 16
小指头 Neutral 6 Character 4 盟友. 贵族. 御前议会. Ally. Lord. Small Council. 城门之约 17
白剑塔 Neutral 2 Location 君临. King's Landing. 城门之约 18
秘密之城 Neutral Plot 城市. City. 城门之约 19
城门之约 Neutral Plot 城市. 王国. City. Kingdom. 城门之约 20

20 cards